Split Gill

Split Gill © CBowker

Schizophyllum commune

The fuzzy appearance and unique gill structure make this a recognizable fungus at Edgewood.


  • Fan-shaped, 1-3.5 cm. wide
  • Upper surface white and hairy
  • Gill-like structures on the underside, which appear split, hence its name
  • Spore print white
  • Without a stipe (stem)
  • Grows alone or in clusters

ID Tips

  • May be confused for other bracket-like fungi growing on dead hardwood

At Edgewood

Understide © CBowker


  • Basidiomycetes – a major lineage of fungi that usually produce spores within basidia (club-like structures)
  • Found throughout the year
  • Saprotrophic – grows on dead hardwood (e.g. oaks)
  • Occasionally parasitic on living wood
  • Edibility (San Mateo County Parks prohibits removal of any natural material)
    • Edible but tough; cultivated and eaten in southeast Asia
    • Unless you are an expert, do not pick and consume wild mushrooms

Fun Facts

  • Found on all continents except Antarctica
  • Split gill is morphologically categorized as a pleurotoid mushroom, named for their characteristic oyster-like shape

Learn More

Kuo, M. 2021, Mar. The gilled mushrooms. MushroomExpert.Com.

Kuo, M. 2005, Feb. Pleurotoid mushrooms. MushroomExpert.Com.

Roehl, T. 2017, Jul. 14. #013: Characteristics of division Basidiomycota. Fungus Fact List. Fungus Fact Friday.

Roehl, T. 2017, Jul. 7. #027: Gilled mushrooms (agarics). Fungus Fact List. Fungus Fact Friday.

Roehl, T. 2019, Feb. 23. #085: Schizophyllum commune – The mushroom with over 28,000 sexes. Fungus Fact List. Fungus Fact Friday.

Roehl, T. 2017, Jul. 7. #180: Pleurotoid mushrooms. Fungus Fact List. Fungus Fact Friday.


Desjardin, D.E., M.G. Wood, and F.A. Stevens. 2016. California Mushrooms: The Comprehensive Identification Guide. Timber Press, Portland, Oregon.

Kuo, M. 2021, Apr. Schizophyllum commune. MushroomExpert.Com.

Wood, M., and F. Stevens. 2023. Schizophyllum commune. The Fungi of California. MykoWeb.