Kids love Edgewood! Join a Friends of Edgewood docent for a free kid-friendly hike at Edgewood Park and Natural Preserve. Offered on many Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays in the spring, these small group hikes are geared for families with young children. Kids and grown-ups alike will enjoy hands-on experiences discovering some of the interesting plants and animals that call Edgewood home. These hikes inspire families to form lasting connections to nature and create shared family memories on the trail.
Registration is required. Reserve your ticket at friendsofedgewood.eventbrite.
Leading your own children’s group at the Preserve? Get ideas or check out a kit from the Education Center. See our Explore Edgewood Activities page.
Teachers! Find local environmental programs listed on the CAELI Partner Portal. Choose Location San Mateo County and a topic like “Ecosystems” and your grade level to narrow the results.