Renowned for its spring wildflower displays and rare serpentine habitat, Edgewood is a prime example of California’s extraordinary floral diversity. Our state has more plant species than any other, one-third of which are endemics, growing nowhere else in the world. Edgewood Preserve is a precious microcosm of this increasingly-threatened natural diversity.
In less than one square mile, the preserve supports over 570 plant species, including thirteen rare and endangered plants, across 9 plant communities: woodlands (Oak Woodlands, Mixed Evergreen Forest), grasslands (Serpentine Grassland, Annual Grassland), shrublands (Serpentine Chaparral, Chamise Chaparral, Northern Coastal Scrub), wetlands (Freshwater Wetland, Seasonal Riparian).
You’ll find our complete flora on the Edgewood Plant List.
What’s Blooming Now?
Our Edgewood Wildflower Survey is updated weekly year-round. You can also check out observations of Edgewood’s plants at iNaturalist.
Browse Edgewood Plants
For photos, descriptions, ID tips, uses, and other interesting facts, browse the Field Guide below or use the Edgewood Plant List to search for plants and plant families by common or scientific names.

Browse Edgewood Plant Families
Discover Edgewood Plant Families to find out more about them.
Online tool for identifying plants
In addition to the tools listed on our Field Guide, check out the following website.
- – This website helps plant lovers at any level identify California plants. Search by plant type, flower color and structure, leaves, and other characteristics, as well as by location. PlantID hosts an Edgewood plant guide.